SCT Manuals
SCT EV Rabbit Manuals
The South Coast Technologies electric VW Rabbit was manufactured in a great enough quantity that many of them are still around. I get occasional e-mails from owners interested in finding the factory service manual or owner's manual. Rather than have the manuals unbound, copied, and then rebound, and then deal with shipping issues, I've scanned the manuals a section at a time and saved them as Adobe PDF files.
sctmaint0.pdf (113Kb, 3 pages)
This is the Foreword to the manual, which includes a line drawing of the body of the car with several major component locations indicated. It also contains the Index.
sctmaint1.pdf (52Kb, 1 page)
Section 1: Brakes, Wheels and Tires
sctmaint2.pdf (87Kb, 5 pages)
Section 2: Suspension and Steering
sctmaint3.pdf (72Kb, 7 pages)
Section 3: Batteries
sctmaint4.pdf (75Kb, 7 pages)
Section 4: Lester "Lestronic" Charger
sctmaint5.pdf (63Kb, 3 pages)
Section 5: DC-to-DC Converter
sctmaint6.pdf (888Kb, 10 pages)
Section 6: Motor Controller
sctmaint7.pdf (1,348Kb, 14 pages)
Section 7: Instruments. Includes the instrumentation controller assembly, dash gauges, and temperature sensor
sctmaint8.pdf (221Kb, 28 pages)
Section 8: Electric Drive Motor
sctmaint9.pdf (47Kb, 1 page)
Section 9: Clutch and Transmission
sctmaint10.pdf (2,105Kb, 12 pages)
Section 10: Heater
sctmaint11.pdf (175Kb, 2 pages)
Section 11: Body and Interior
supplement.pdf (78Kb, 9 pages)
Supplementary Operators Manual for SCT Electric Rabbit. Intended to be an addition to the regular VW operator's manual.
batterymaint.pdf (63Kb, 4 pages)
Battery maintenance tips, charging, testing,
cleaning, etc.
A note about the resolution of these manual scans:
The photographs in my manuals are completely useless in their original form. They are copies of copies unknown generations past, duplicated on copy machines that were incapable of reproducing halftones properly. The one-bit-per-pixel scanning process has not degraded these images to any degree. I've put the manual up alongside the computer monitor viewing the completed PDF files, and there is very little appreciable difference. In either case, the photographs are indecipherable for the most part.
Each of these manuals has been individually rescanned and the text portions subjected to optical character recognition. This allowed me to edit, correct and complete portions of the manual that were previously unintelligible.
Lester "Lestronic" Manual
Copies of the Operation Manual and Troubleshooting Manual for the Lester 9865 - Type 108EL32-SET battery charger that was originally installed in my SCT Rabbit:
lesterop.pdf (58Kb, 3 pages)
Operation manual for Lester 9865 battery charger
lestermaint.pdf (108Kb, 11 pages)
Troubleshooting manual for Lester 9865 battery charger, including parts list and schematic diagram.
K & W BC-20 Manual
Installation and Operation Manual for KTA Services' BC-20 electric vehicle battery charger, including installation instructions for the LB-20 line boosting transformer used when charging 114 and 120 volt battery packs.
bc20.pdf (155Kb, 10 pages)
Installation and Operation Manual for Cruising Equipment Co. "E-Meter" / Xantrex "Link 10" digital ampere-hour battery monitor meters. This is a generic manual, and refers to the device as "Your Meter", but the information and meter functions are identical thoughout the product lines.
emeter.pdf (1.2Mb, 56 pages)
ESPAR Heater Manual Scans
Some time back, I happened upon some scanned images of an ESPAR gasoline heater similar to the one that is used in the SCT EV conversions. Although the heater case and some of the accessories differ, the principle of operation is the same. I'm presenting these images condensed into a .pdf file to supplement the "heater" section in the SCT Manual.
espar.pdf (1.15Mb, 7 pages)
Hardcore Tech Stuff
Way deeper than some people want to go, datasheets for SCT controller components and wiring information for the car itself:
field.pdf (141Kb, 1 page)
SCT motor shunt field and armature control schematic diagram.
wirediag.pdf (171Kb, 2 pages)
SCT wiring diagram. Page one is the "under the hood" wiring up to the location of the firewall, page two is everything from the firewall back. These two pages can be printed out and placed side-to-side to construct a complete wiring diagram. Note that the wiring depicted is only the wiring, or changes to the original VW wiring, that was used in the conversion of the car to electric propulsion. Wiring such as headlights, signals, wipers, and accessories is not included, as these are fully covered in the Robert Bentley VW service manual (you really should already have one of these anyway!).
schematic.pdf (150Kb, 1 page)
Schematic diagram of the wiring of the SCT Rabbit. This is a simplified schematic, and shows only the interconnections. It is devoid of wire colors, terminal designations, connector pinouts, etc. When used in conjunction with the wiring diagram offered above, it should explain the wiring of the car sufficiently.
controller.pdf (140Kb, 1 page)
Schematic diagram of the EHV systems controller used in the SCT Rabbit. This file is a work in progress, and for now consists only of the bipolar power supply section of the controller. Additional sections of the diagram added as time permits.
GSDS50020.pdf (340Kb, 2 pages)
Product data sheet for GSDS50020 NPN power transistor used in the field control circuit.
OPB712.pdf (259Kb, 1 page)
Datasheet for the Optek OPB712 Reflective Object Sensor used to control motor speed via the car's accelerator pedal.
Historical EV-related pages
opreport.pdf (365Kb, 2 pages - front/back)
"Demonstration Operator's Daily Report" The paperwork trail required by the U.S. Department of Energy for the Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Demonstration Project. Fleets participating in this program were expected to keep these records showing how the vehicles were used, the mileage, maintenance and power consumption, traffic and weather conditions and more. With this additional red tape, is it any wonder that all of the project participants bailed out when the initial demonstration period was over?
pdxsummary.pdf (48Kb, 1 page)
A summary by the city of Portland, Oregon describing their participation in the U.S. Department of Energy for the Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Demonstration Project. Obviously, they were less than enthusiastic about their role in advancing alternative fueled vehicles.
mark.pdf (177Kb, 1 page)
An article from the Portland, Oregon newspaper The Oregonian relating the attempts of the previous owner of my SCT Rabbit to sell the car.
SCT_Hybrid_Proposal.pdf (3,727Kb, 156 pages)
Perhaps you thought that Toyota invented the hybrid car with the introduction of the Prius? No, how about the Honda Insight in 1999? Actually, several car makers were approached in the late 1970's by Jet Propulsion Laboratories to research and propose a practical hybrid passenger car. South Coast Technologies, the maker of my electric Rabbit, was one of the companies to submit technical papers on the subject. Not surprisingly, they designed around an electric platform similar to the one in my car, but installed in a giant LTD!
Original material ©1996-2025 Mr. Sharkey | All rights reserved