There Are Walls That Want to Prowl

Lloyd Kahn is again receiving some well-deserved recognition for his contributions to the architectural and building wold, this time at the German Architecture Center (DAZ) in Berlin.

Models constructed from some of the drawings and plans contained in his book Shelter will be on display (above), as well as photos of the Shelter World Headquarters (Lloyd's home and office), and additional muti-media including interviews, etc will be presented. If that's not enough, Lloyd himself is jet-setting over to Germany to be present at the exhibition, beginning on October 28th.

Lloyd will be blogging from Berlin, it's always interesting and a good investment in a few minutes of your time to ride along with him on his travels, he's the consummate traveler, gregarious, adventurous, and verbose in his presentation of text and photos of what he experiences.

There's also something called the "Shelter Cookbook" being presented, perhaps we will get more insight as to what this book is about as the exhibit unfolds. More at

If this blog seems a little bit Kahncentric right now, there's several reasons. I've just completed the second reading of his latest book, Rolling Homes: Shelter on Wheels. It's also a time for some introspection on my part, partially due to the abrupt change in the weather to rainy, and the convergence of several anniversaries marking life-changing events in my life.

While Lloyd is almost a generation older than I, his work has influenced me for over 50 years, even before we became acquainted virtually or in person. I've blogged about this in the past. The Whole Earth Catalog, Shelter, and some few other publications were responsible for a major shift in my thinking and lifestyle, one that I have hardly shaken off in the past half-century. It's probably too late to try now...





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