April 1st, 1969


Opening conversation between my barely-fourteen-year-old girlfriend and then-seventeen-year-old me upon picking her up in my car for a ride to school:

Ronette: Hi.
Me: Hi.
Ronette: Guess what?
Me: I dunno, what?
Ronette: I'm pregnant!

It's no April Fool prank that Mr. Sharkey has returned to the 'Net with this updated and portable device-friendly version of the old MrSharkey.com dog-and-pony show. (I think I just wore out the hyphen key on my keyboard)

Most all of the content of the former site that went extinct in 2013 is here, with a layer of blog posts floating on top. A lot has happened since that site went dark, so I've got a lot of catching up to do, and there seems to be no end of interesting new stuff to blab about, so if you are one of those who can absorb content by reading rather than watching advert-tinged videos, stick around, come back from time to time and be entertained.

As for the young couple above, I stuttered out something comforting like: "That's great, who's the father?" Very sensitive, right? A few minutes earlier, she had sprung the same trap on her mother at the breakfast table, who later that evening passed the favor along to her husband. Apparently, April Fools humor ran deep in that family.





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