Magazine Review - Wanderings
Sharkey's Review of... Wanderings
Wanderings magazine passes it's second anniversary, and it looks Chris and Janet are doing a fine job of keeping the magazine alive and interesting. The 48 pages of the A4-sized magazine are tastefully embellished with Art Noveau clip art and the occasional advertisement (Bill's Bus Stop, Solar Power - No Gimmicks & Good Experience). At the back of each issue is a growing classified ads section, advertising house buses and trucks for sale. One on-going feature is the listing of attractive park-up spots, sent in by readers, detailing scenic and interesting places to park your mobile habitation around the islands.
Articles include Letters, Trucker's Tucker (food), Kid's Corner, COF Time (safety check tips), Tinker's News, several photos and drawings of housetrucks, and a series of articles on the subject of renewable energy by one very familiar character, Mr. Sharkey. The itinerary of the NZ Gypsy Fair, as well as the Tinkers and other housetruck-dwelling road shows are listed. Several correspondents are contributing serial episodes of their life upon the road.
There is even a year 2001 Wanderings calendar offered , which is sure to become a collector's item! In fact, my prediction is that the feature run of issues will be a most-coveted collector's set when this publication hits the big time.
The following excerpt from the Editorial in the March 2000 issue will give you a feel for the unique perspective enjoyed from 'Down Under'.
Note: The following text is Copyrighted Material. Please respect the author's rights.
A whole year - and yet it seems like just a few short months ago we were working on issue one. The past year has been a most interesting and rewarding one, and we are still a little awe-struck by the things that we have learned, done and experienced. The best of all is that we have met and been in contact with some really incredibly nice and talented people.
We bet you noticed something different about this month's issue, the cover. We decided to do something different for the anniversary issue. We don't expect to be able to make it colour every month, but as we want to get the mag into the shops sometime in the future, we thought we'd give it a try.
We're looking for people who can send monthly contributions on "natural" topics such as, naturopathy, home remedies, organic farming, herbs, health and well-being, reflexology, etc. If you are an "expert" and would like to try your hand at writing for an international publication (ours), please send us an article and we'll see how it goes.
And this bit from the October 1999 'Letters' column by Nobby:
Well the wind hit me side on sending me across the road at about 400 m.p.h !@#$%#@! and there was a Commodore coming at me on the right side of the road. Well between me untangling my headband and not wanting a Holden for a bonnet emblem, I think I hit the brakes which damn near turned me around heading the other way. All I remember is looking at a truck behind me weighing more than 20 ton and that was through the windscreen. Well I tell ya I made up a few new words as I corrected old Timeless (the house truck) back on track from the passenger seat only to be hit by another gust of wind. This time I'm looking at all these @#$%$$@! apple crates in the ditch as I bounce over a couple before ending up on a tarseal. Now trees are falling over and Timeless is going sideways. I get to the other end to "Ypuk" and stop at the garage to tidy things up and the truck who was following me pulls up. "Hey man, that was bloody good driving. Your left back wheels never touched the ground."
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