More Crowns


More Crowns

Photos of various Crown Coaches from the archives.


When passengers were still struggling with
the concept of walking erect, Crown Coaches
looked like this.


The Crown aircraft division was formed in
1925, building Kinner Airster Biplanes. The
Aircraft division was closed in 1933.


This 20-passenger combination bus with 20 feet of mail and cargo space was built in 1956 and operated for several years by the highway division of the Bangor & Aroostook Railroad.


A rainbow-hued Crown in Laytonville, California
(probably a Hog Farm bus)


1953 Crown Firecoach
This was the second Firecoach built by Crown Coach. It
had a Le Roi SBH-540 motor, a 1000 GPM Waterous
pump and a 5-speed Fuller transmission.


The long arm of the law relies on
Crown Security Coaches


Crown Coaches in service of the Hog Farm.


A Zylmex die-cast replica of a
Crown Coach on the instrument
panel of the real thing.


A fine example of a fairly rare Crown Intercity coach, complete with
stainless steel belting and windows with diagonally-slanted frames.


In California, San Marcos Camper Repair is
WAY into converting Crowns.


Crown Coaches in Eureka, California



For more information about Crown Coaches (LOTS more!), including a history
of the Crown Coach Corporation, visit Buskids website.
Look for the link to her URL in the 'Links' page.







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