Miscellaneous Buses


Miscellaneous Buses

Some images from the albums

Text: Sharkey  ::  Photos: Greg (mostly)


A real party bus, note the Malt Liquor Bull logo next to the door.


Blonde Bill's bus.


Logan and Debbie's bus, featured in Rolling Homes, pages 25-31.



I wasn't exactly sure where to put this photo, but it looks more like a bus than a truck...
Actually, it bears an amazing resemblance to the 'Nitecoach' buses from the 1940's


Brother's Buses

On the left is Larry's bus, which was featured on page 24 of Rolling Homes.
The right hand bus is Harry's, Desperado, which has an interesting asymmetrical roofline


Shanty Bus Transformation:

Here are two images of Larry's bus after a great deal of effort and rebuilding.
That's Larry on the right, posing with a friend in front of the now very stylish bus.


I thought for a while about doing this to the Crown....




And finally, a couple of images of my friend Paul's 1946 Dodge, in which I spent a very cold winter freezing my butt off, installing a new motor, as the old one had frozen and cracked the head.
After removing the original roof and the small wooden extension atop it, Paul took an extended vacation back east, leaving the bus out in our pasture for the winter. Predictably, the oak flooring got a little warped.
Here Paul is driving the bus away to complete the roof raising in town. After completion, this bus was driven to New York and back, so the engine project was a success. I put an enlargement of this photo on the dashboard of the Crown to remind me to keep working on it! Paul sold this bus to some young folks who did a commendable job finishing the interior.







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