Kevin's Gypsy Wagon


Kevin's Gypsy Wagon

1938 International

Text: Sharkey and (italics): Kevin  ::  Photos: Kevin


This colorful gypsy wagon was built anew on a vintage 1938
International Harvester truck chassis.

Kevin says: "I put a two speed rear end from an older model into this
truck to get a 4.75 to 1 ratio as opposed to the 8:1 original. It is still
quite the turtle but 45 mph is much better than 20."


The paint scheme of this housetruck is in the spirit
of traditional vardos of the
Romany folk.



Quoting Kevin: "I was motivated by a copy of Rolling Homes lent to me a few years ago. I am a high school teacher and my students get quite the kick out of this."


This is the kitchen table in the "guest bed" mode. To the left is the
antique cook stove. I like the light finish on the wood in this truck. The
painted flooring provides a simple feeling that is fitting to an old cabin
or well-loved farm house.

Interior features include natural finished wood surfaces, a toilet
and shower, and instantaneous water heater, wood cook and heating
stoves and a refrigerator/freezer.


This photo of the back porch roof shows the care and
thoughtfulness that has gone into the construction of this truck.


Doesn't get much more authentic than this.







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