Sharkey's Bus Barn


The Bus Barn

"Fixed armaments are monuments to the stupidity of mankind"
-General George Patton


You've just surfed into something that I think is unique on the Internet, The most complete (as far as I can tell) resource for handmade craftsman-style House Trucks and House Buses. Don't look for any slick chrome-and-plastic Silver-Eagle RV's converted by professional shops or retired backyard do-it-myselfers. All of the vehicles featured herein are original, one-of-a-kind creations which reflect the owner/builder's lifestyle and architectural beliefs. True, some are little more than shanties on wheels, while others are an abrupt attempt to be liberated from stationary habitations, but at the upper end of the scale, you'll find many which could be classified as genuine art.


NEW! What's New ??? NEW!


Some Turtles Have Nice Shells, Roger Beck's contemporary and very complete photo history of house trucks and buses is still available, and at the same reasonable price. This book makes for great reading, and is also a wonderful conversation starter and much-appreciated gift. Click over to Roger's site, and order a few copies today!

As for actual new content in the site, there is a tiny bit. These days, the name Von Dutch is splashed all over every conceivable consumer product. Well, it turns out that the old pinstriper extraordinaire spent quite a few years living in a bus. By an odd circumstance of events, I've come into some photos of this old transit bus, which is much worse for the wear these days. Check out Von Dutch's GM Transit.

The latest entry to the Bus Barn is Kevin's 1938 International Gypsy Wagon. This vintage chassis is the recipient of a complete scratch-built reproduction of a Romany-style home, and is painted in authentic colors. A very cozy little home.

Housetrucks got a mention in the April 2005 issue of This Old House magazine, complete with a link to this web site and some short quotes from Damien. Traffic on the site nearly tripled the last week of March of that year, when issues arrived in subscriber's homes, a new - and so far unbroken - record for page views. I've taken the liberty of scanning the On the Job page from the magazine and posting it here as a PDF file. It features a very nice photo of Michael O's big-rig housetruck.

I've decided to join the 1990's by posting some archived material in the Weblog. Since the old information is going into the system first, it might seem like the clock is spinning backwards, but once the early content from as far back as 2004 is put up, newer posts will appear.

As always, the rest of the information here can be accessed through the menu that appears at the upper left of the pages. Enjoy your stay!








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