Federal Housetruck on HGTV

Got an email from Eric, who recently built a very correct housetruck on a 1952 Federal chassis that is very like Roger's:

Note the nice slide out!

Anyway, the point of this is to let those of you with "cable" know that the truck is featured in an upcoming episode of Home and Garden Television. Here's a copy-and-paste from Eric:

> About a year ago a TV crew from HGTV came by and spent a day taking
> pictures of our housetruck for a show called Look What I Did on HGTV.
> It will finally air on April 16th at 3:00 PM. Hope the schedule does
> not change between now and then. They will probably boil down 3 hours
> of film to about 5 minutes on air.
> Hope you get a chance to watch it, or record it (I know we will do
> both).
> Eric & Debra

Roger is going to try and record it so I can get a chance to see the episode (no cable out here in the sticks)





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