New housetruck in construction

Got a message from John Labovitz, who is building a new housetruck. Since this is actually a somewhat unusual event, I thought I'd share his message here:


John wrote:
I've been inspired by many of the posts & projects on this site, so I figured I'd let know about my housetruck project. I'm building it from scratch, based on an Isuzu NPR truck chassis. The housetruck will serve several purposes:

* A compact and mobile home in which I can hang out and socialize, cook and eat, and retreat and sleep.
* A workspace for my photography and programming projects.
* A vehicle that will transport me & my belongings to points beyond.
* A laboratory for research into alternative and mobile technology.
* An expression of art & creativity.

I've been designing it for about a year, and about a month ago hired a local steel fabricator to build the frame. That's now done, and I'm now onto adding "skin" to the bones.

If you'd like to follow along, I'll be updating my website fairly regularly. You can always find the current status, plus links to longer articles & more images, here:





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