PROOF that the weather has been LOUSY!

As I was sitting on the couch yesterday morning, watching the rain sheet down, I began thinking about whether or not this has been one of the wettest winter/spring seasons ever. Checking the production of my solar array confirmed that there has been less sunlight than in past years, a LOT less. Normally, my system makes about 1,000 kilowatt hours a year, or 1Mwh. This year, I'm three months behind the production of the previous three years.

Here's the chart to prove it:

Yes, I write down each day's electricity production in a log. Entering those numbers into a spreadsheet gave me the chart data.

[edit] I'm keeping this chart updated to the current month's produciton [/edit]

July is typically the big power producing month and July 2010 looked typical. August was actually a bit better than previous years. But then look what happens to the aqua bar, it dives down while moving to the right. Coming back to the left in 2011 as a purple bar, it's easy to see that March and April were stinkers. For whatever reason, May 2011 has been only a bit below average, in spite of it seeming like it has been raining constantly all month.

I'm ~really~ hoping June brings some clear weather. The grass is getting out of control but I don't really want to go out and thrash the mowers trying to hog through wet grass. That and I think I'm developing allergies to all the pollen that's in the air.

I know, it could be worse, I could be out there where the twisters mow the grass for you, but damn, I'm tired of rain!





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