The Mary Ellen Carter

Interesting things sometimes drop in through the email slot in my monitor, like this snippet from Paul that slipped in as the first message this year from the site email form:

I almost deleted the message, assuming that it was spam, as it contained no text other than the URL to give me a point of reference. Even after I opened the page in my browser, I was unconvinced, as the text on the page gave me no immediate clue as to what it was about. Then I loaded one of the images:

A Victorian Housebus!!! And what a fine example it is too! This 1950 GMC Schoolbus serves as the tour bus for the musical group StillStanding, who together play traditional bluegrass and gospel music. From the site:


From the site:
The Mary Ellen Carter is an extensively modified 1950 GMC school bus that now features a superinsulated, structural plywood box beam body. This body was built in the mid eighties and wound up sitting for quite some time causing a substantial amount of deterioration. Most of the trim and body have been restored to their former glory. The powertrain has also been completely modified beyond its original design... Miss Mary logged some major mileage in 2010. Possibly more than she has done ever! While we are not talking Greyhound bus mileage one does have to remember she is a handbuilt creation that has evolved far beyond her original concept. She took us to all corners of the province and made our shows a lot more comfortable and fun while introducing us to some wonderful folks along the way!


Many more photos of both the exterior and the interior, which is appointed in fine Oak, on the site. You can learn more about StillStanding as well by following the provided links.





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