Hobbit Library

Bumping around in my site logs as I usually do, I happened by a blog called Domythic Bliss a few weeks back. In describing the purpose of the blog, it's author, Grace has to say: "Domythic Bliss...a new blog devoted to fairy tale, mythic, and otherwise enchanted decorating!"

Grace was kind enough to have featured a link to this site some time back while posting about house trucks, and I thought then that I needed to call attention to her blog, but got busy with the dramatic weather we've been having and other projects around the property.

Last night's wake-up call was a referral that led me to her post about a structure that has been built (some time ago) to house a collection of Tolkien and Hobbit-esque artifacts, one that has been designed and constructed in a fashion true to the "Hobbit hole" design:

Pretty stunning to think that this isn't a movie set mock-up, or a miniature model.

Have a look at more over at the Domythic Bliss blog. Grace includes some links to her source material, including Fine Homebuilding magazine's review of the library. These will give a wide variety of interior and exterior photos, as well a insights into the design and construction phases of building such a unique structure.





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