Miscellaneous House Trucks


Miscellaneous House Trucks


Here are some photos of House Trucks that came out of Greg's albums and a few that I took myself. None of these rigs are represented by interior photographs, so I've just lumped them together on this page to give you some additional eye candy.


Rod Cathcart's 1923 Model T Camper exhibit includes a mobile
outhouse that was towed behind the Ford truck during the early
days of auto camping. This vehicle is available for hire, see


I snapped a photo of Debra's cute little
romany-style camper, Marvel, one year at the
OCF staff picnic.



Has anybody seen the Strayhound van lately?



A few views of the Breitenbush Hot Springs
parking lot security office.


The Whiskey Creek String Band truck.
Featured on Page 57 of Rolling Homes


This housetruck has found it's final resting place. Note the complete lack of anything under the hood!

I recently found out that this truck was Glen's first housetruck!!







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