Sharkey's blog

Diesel Swap (?) 5

Time for a little non-update on my non-progress putting the used engine in my worn-out truck.

Ranger Diesel Swap 4

Here's an update for my loyal viewer:

It's been said that bad news travels fast...

Ranger Diesel Swap 3

Two weeks of fairly intensive research, figuring, measuring and imagining and now I'm better informed and still not completely sure that this engine conversion is going to work.

Ranger Diesel Swap 2

Setting the Stage

I spent lots of "spare" time since the last update taking measurements in the engine compartments, making cardboard templates of things that stick out on the new engine and comparing them with the available space in the diesel Ranger...

Old Habits Die Hard

I'm not sure why my parents allowed me to climb the water tower at my grandparent's remote desert cabin, unless it was to ensure that I didn't play with the rattlesnakes on the ground

Just What I Needed....

.... Another Project!

I'm going to give this page a bump to the top of the list because it looks like this long-lost project is finally going to get a shot at being constructed. Last week, the "slowly worsening rod knock" in my truck turned into a horrible clattering, indicating that the bearing had failed and now the connecting rod cap was hitting the crankshaft journal. Engines in this condition don't last very much longer, so 16+ years after taking the first action to convert my pickup to diesel, I've dug everything out from under the workbench and out of the storage locker and considering how I'm going to pull it all off.

Check this space for future progress, it's time for some current content on the site, and this is as good a subject as any I've had in a long time.


Daylight Savings Time

Stolen from the Nomadicista forum:


EV in the RV

So, apparently, electric recreational vehicles are becoming a "thing", or so it seems. I must admit some skepticism when several of them (or at least one or two that I could take semi-seriously) showed up in the new Rolling Homes.


There Are Walls That Want to Prowl

Lloyd Kahn is again receiving some well-deserved recognition for his contributions to the architectural and building wold, this time at the German Architecture Center (DAZ) in Berlin.

Models constructed from some of the drawings and plans contained in his book Shelter will be on display (above), as well as photos of the Shelter World Headquarters (Lloyd's home and office), and additional muti-media including interviews, etc will be presented. If that's not enough, Lloyd himself is jet-setting over to Germany to be present at the exhibition, beginning on October 28th.

Lloyd Kahn's New Book

Sharkey's Book Review of...

Rolling Homes

by Lloyd Kahn

Published in 2022 by
Shelter Publications

ISBN: 978-0-936070-89-6

In the Beginning, there was The Whole Earth Catalog.

And it was good.






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